A Leader and His (or Her) Friends – Part II

Tue, 2014-08-19 22:40 -- tomjonez


Last week I pointed to an idea that is quite simple. Namely, that one of the most important decisions a leader can make is the people with whom he or she chooses to associate. I referred to King Solomon, who several millennia ago, expressed the insight that, ““Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”

Spring-boarding off of that insight, I reflected on the reality that when choosing our friends, those in leadership would do well to pick the ones whose demonstrated behavior exhibits the highest character and wisdom.

This week I would like to solicit your thoughts.  The “hip” term for that is “crowd-sourcing” because it turns the conversation over to you "the crowd" for your insights. 

So the question for you is this: As a leader, what do you look for in friendships?  What qualities are important to you?

Take a couple minutes, click here, and share your insights.

We will post your insights next week.