A Leader and His (or Her) Friends

Wed, 2014-08-13 08:30 -- tomjonez


One of the most important decisions a leader can make is the people with whom he or she chooses to associate. Several Millennia ago, King Solomon expressed the following insight:

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”

Though this Middle-Eastern King lived in ancient times, he was considered then, and to this day remains, a source of the highest wisdom ever known.

And regarding the choice of friends, his sage insight regarding the influence of one’s friends is easy to observe – especially when observed over time.

The lesson for us in leadership is frankly very simple:  When choosing our friends, pick the ones whose demonstrated behavior exhibits the highest character and wisdom.

Though on the surface King Solomon’s insight is simple, his advice is nevertheless central to success in leadership – and, more importantly, central to success in life itself.

And on a personal level, that is why I am so very grateful for my friends.  Collectively, their wisdom has been a source of constant wisdom and guidance throughout the years.  And (along with my wife) they are also my greatest personal treasure. Indeed, in this regard, I am a very fortunate man.