tomjonez's blog

The Key to Market Leadership

Wed, 2011-09-21 12:40 -- tomjonez

Market Leadership =

Strong Relationships

Far too often when it comes to providing a product or service we place our primary focus on the product or service.

In reality, people buy products from people and receive service from people.

Even if it is a quick or simple interaction, they way that we are treated when we are a customer often makes or breaks the decision regarding whether we will ever return for more (products or services).

The same is true when we provide products or service to others. 

What is Leadership?

Wed, 2011-09-14 07:39 -- tomjonez

Leadership is not about the position we hold, the title we have, or our place in the line-up.

Leadership is more about our influence, our effectiveness, our sway.

We are all influencing - leading - others.

By our action, by our inaction.

By our words.  By our silence.

The real question is not, "Am I a leader?"  The real question is, "What is the quality of my leadership, my influence, on others?"

We are all leaders in one capacity or other.

We are all influencers.

Either for good.

Or not.

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Wed, 2011-08-31 11:07 -- tomjonez

3 Questions to Ask Myself

For the past two weeks we have been looking at three questions which can serve as a good framework for self-assessment when it comes to our motivation on the job and/or with a given task or assignment.  The questions are:

  • What is my sense of Urgency regarding what I am doing?
  • What is my level of Persistence in sticking to the pursuit of my goal(s)?
  • What is the level of my Passion?

This week we take a brief look at Persistence.

3 Questions to Ask Myself

Tue, 2011-08-23 18:21 -- tomjonez

From time to time it can be helpful to do a self-check... just a simple "executive physical" regarding my personal motivation and satisfaction.

These three questions are not a thorough review but can serve as a good initial "gut-check."  The questions are:

What is my sense of Urgency regarding what I am doing?

What is my level of Persistence in sticking to the pursuit of my goal(s)?

What is the level of my Passion?

The Power of Plumbline Alignment - The 5 M's of Effective Marketing

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:05 -- tomjonez

When the Company Mission is clear, the message is consistent, the method is appropriate, the messengers (staff) are aligned and can communicate the message, THEN the customers will begin to join with your team and become missionaries for you product or service.

That is why alignment is crucial and why everything must be plumb (in line).

Because You Asked...

Wed, 2011-07-20 12:36 -- tomjonez

Someone finally asked.

After months of sending this weekly email, someone asked the question:

“What is a Plumbline, and why that name?”

Great question.  Here’s the short version.

Technical definitions sound like this: "a plumb line is cord that is suspends a metal weight with a pointed tip on the bottom, and which points directly to the earth's center of gravity; it is used as a vertical reference line, perpendicular to the earth (it determines whether or not something is straight up and down)."


Mon, 2011-07-11 16:34 -- tomjonez


Confront               To face or to lead

Affront                  To offend

True Caring          To do what is in the best interest of another over our own self interest ("carefronting")

Manipulation        To make the choice to place self-interest over the interest of others

It's Time to Confront the Issue

Wed, 2011-07-06 17:10 -- tomjonez

Often...the biggest challenges  - are the challenges that we face.

Whether is a financial matter, a difficult relationship, an unruly board member or, if we supervise people, a difficult employee.

The challenge is the same:  the issue or the person must be confronted.

While studying for a graduate entrance exam I was reviewing word definitions.  The preparation material compared words that sounded similar but had different meanings.  I will never forget one of those comparisons that read as follows:

To Confront: to face

To Affront: to offend


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