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Leadership and Trust

Wed, 2016-01-20 10:29 -- tomjonez


People are more likely to follow and respect a leader they trust.

...and are less likely to follow - and will never respect - a leader they do not trust.

I just wish our political leaders - from all of the political parties - understood this.

And lived accordingly.

I know, this should have been a Tweet, not a blog post.

Yet sometimes less is more.

Unless it is trust; in which case "more" wins every time.


The Leader and Communication

Tue, 2015-12-08 10:17 -- tomjonez


Harvard Business School is well known for its sage advice on the topic of leadership in business.

A commentary from the HBS “Working Knowledge” series caught my eye when it discussed the importance of communication in the role of leadership.  Here is an excerpt from the article I read:

"Communication is the real work of leadership," says HBS professor Nitin Nohria, who documented the importance of persuasion in his 1992 book Beyond the Hype: Rediscovering the Essence of Management.


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