For the past two weeks I have discussed the thought that one of the most important decisions a leader can make is the people with whom he or she chooses to associate. I referred to King Solomon, who several millennia ago, expressed the insight that, ““Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” As we ended the email last week, I asked for your input on the following questions: As a leader, what do you look for in friendships? What qualities are important to you?
Here are several of the responses (space limits including all of the input):
I value Loyalty, and one expression of that are friends who will speak the plain truth to me.
I appreciate people who are fun and positive, as well as in the midst f that those who exhibit integrity.
Tom, I look for people who have balance in their work, personal and spiritual lives as they bring a fresh, richer and more creative perspective with them. Those who are only about work, for example, may be very successful in that arena, but often have trouble understanding and relating to those whose focus extends beyond just work.
I value friends who demonstrate integrity, honesty, and who are loyal; I also appreciate those who won't gossip or name drop in order to make themselves look important.
I like to learn and be challenged by others; …the more I learn the more fun I have journeying through life with them…
I value longevity…a US President once said, “Now that I am in the White House I find that I have lots of new friends. Therefore, I am keeping the old ones!”
These are fun and wise insights. Thanks for jumping in on this discussion.