As we have discussed these past few weeks, two key responsibilities of leadership are selecting people to join our team, and routinely evaluating each team member’s performance going forward from the date of hire.
Through the years, we have coached our own staff as well as numerous clients through eight key characteristics for selection and evaluation of personnel. Our analytical assessment model was developed by our own leadership team over a twenty-year period while leading a fast-growing company that at its peak employed in excess of 400 people.
The eight attributes we utilize consist of 5 character attributes, assessing the degree to which the team member is Available, Faithful, Teachable, Enjoyable, Responsible; and 3 technical capabilities including the person’s Communication, Administration, and Technical Performance skills (see previous blogs to read each previous summary).
The two-page evaluation form pictured above provides a tool to conduct evaluations based on these criteria. If you would like a copy, free of charge, please click here to email your request and we will send you a PDF file in a ready-to-print format for your consideration and use.
We have found that this comprehensive set of metrics has constituted a very effective and yet simple methodology for assessing candidates for employment and then, for those who were hired, evaluating their on-going performance.