tomjonez's blog

Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy Relational Culture – Conclusion

Mon, 2017-09-18 16:55 -- tomjonez


This week I conclude a discussion regarding creating and sustaining an organizational culture where people work well together and are supportive of one another. Along the way I have also been careful to point out that these brief blogs are unashamedly short – and correspondingly limited in thorough content.

Even so, there are at least three factors that must be understood and embraced by each member of a functioning enterprise in order to maximize relational harmony, consistency, and effectiveness.

Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy Relational Culture - Part 4

Mon, 2017-09-18 16:21 -- tomjonez


In part 4 of a continuing discussion about creating a culture where people work well together, I again admit that these short posts are easily an oversimplification of more complex organizational realities. This is especially true since I am limiting this topic to three essential factors that I propose are central to establish a healthy and supportive relational climate in an organization – yet space limits are space limits!

Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy Relational Culture - Part 3

Tue, 2017-09-05 21:37 -- tomjonez


This week I continue the discussion regarding creating a culture in an organization where people work well together and are supportive of one another. And yes, admittedly, creating and maintaining such an environment is not an easy task. It takes the courage to lead.

I have also previously plead “guilty” to the likelihood of oversimplification by narrowing the focus to only discuss three essential factors that must be developed, and maintained, to establish a healthy and supportive relational climate in an organization.

Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy Relational Culture - Part 2

Wed, 2017-08-30 12:03 -- tomjonez


"Teamwork is what the Green Bay Packers were all about. They didn't do it for individual glory. They did it because they loved one another."  - Vince Lombardi, Head Coach

As I mentioned last week, creating a culture in an organizational environment where people work well together and are supportive of one another is not an easy task.  And once created, such a culture is also not automatic thereafter – it must be guarded, nurtured, and maintained.

Courage to Lead - 3 Key Aspects of Leadership (Part 5)

Mon, 2017-08-07 14:14 -- tomjonez


In previous weeks, I have explored three primary responsibilities of leadership that we keep in mind when establishing a leadership setting to which the emerging millennial generation will respond (read introduction here).

To provide a focus, I narrowed the scope of what is required of leaders to best serve those they lead – including millennial team-members, as proposed by my friend and world-class leader Mike.  

Courage to Lead - 3 Key Aspects of Leadership (Part 2)

Tue, 2017-07-11 13:18 -- tomjonez


Last week I began to explore what every leader can do, at a minimum, to lead millennials in the context of also leading the entire team (click to read). As a practical matter, I began by simplifying the essential role of leadership into three core requirements in fulfilling our responsibility to those under our authority: to lead, to provide, and to protect.

Courage to Lead - 3 Key Aspects of Leadership

Wed, 2017-07-05 10:38 -- tomjonez


In previous weeks, I have explored several characteristics that may be helpful in establishing a leadership setting to which the emerging millennial generation will respond (click here to read). Over the next few weeks I will look at what every leader can do, at a minimum, to lead the entire team while incorporating the specific insights listed above regarding leadership of millennials.


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