Courage: When the Team Steps In...

Tue, 2013-02-19 20:52 -- tomjonez

Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

-Christopher Robin to Pooh (i.e. from one friend to another)

For the past few weeks we have explored the need for courage in leadership, including the willingness to face and learn from failure, and the essential need to develop a heart of courage.

Another element of courage involves the value of a support team: friends who stand with us through it all.  Because sometimes we just plain run out of courage.  And facing THAT takes courage - and a support team.

For many years I have believed in the intrinsic value of operating as a member of a team.  I find no better substitute and wouldn't at this life-juncture even look for one.

Indeed, there are many times when the value of being a member of a team makes a lot of practical sense.  And one of the most crucial times is in the moment when we need a boost - a reminder of who are and what we are meant to be about; times when our courage falters, even for just a blink. And at such a time a member of our support group - our team - steps in and reminds us of who we are and what we are meant to be.  And in so doing billows the sails of our courageous heart back to full strength.

As I mentioned, for many years I have been a member of one or more support teams; friends who share leadership responsibilities and who band together to stay strong...because in reality we aren't. And yet together over the years by standing together we become so collectively, in spite of our individual selves.

There is enormous power in teamwork.  And one of the most stunning displays of that truth is evident at those  moments (however brief) when we lose our courage, and a friend from our close-knit support team steps in, steadies our gait, and we move ahead once again. Courageously.

Thanks friends.  You know who you are.